Just a few pictures I've taken throughout October :) Can't believe tomorrow is November 1st!! Not long till my favorite time of year! CHRISTMAS :D
My FAVORITE Show!! Son's Of Anarchy <3 span="span">
My favorite Candle right now! It smells so freaking good!
The Cutest Candles ever I couldn't pass them up they where like £2 from Tesco.
So they finally have Sour Patch Kids in the UK and let me tell you they have NOTHING on the USA ones. They just don't taste the same :(
I love candles this month apparently lol
Cali Cat Attacking my head phones.
Mmmm nom nom nom fruit bread toasted.
A few casual at home outfits from the other week.
That's not how you spell it but good try haha
If you can try this do. it is so yummy!!
I havent brought a freaking CD in YEARS but I had to pick up Red by Taylor Swift, seriously my favorite album right now.
Last night while in bed watching Will&Grace my little kitty cat Cali curled up my a retard she is :)
Writting blog posts and Photoshopping some stuff for here.
The sky earlier in the month so pretty!
Stay tuned for more Posts coming soon :)