So I know its Tuesday but I had this all pre written for Sunday and me being be completely forgot to post it :/ so here it is just a little late lol

1. What is your shopping weakness?
Shoes! I never feel I have enough lol that and makeup a new product is out I always want to try it out.
2. What is your food weakness?
Pepperoni Pizza or Chicken Tikka Masala I could eat it all day everyday!!
3. What is your go to movie to watch when nothing is on?
The Blind Side I can watch it over and over again and still not get bored :)
4. What is your go to breakfast food?
Strawberry & Banana french toast from iHop OMG amazing!!!
5. Do you drink coffee? If so how do you take it?
I drink coffee as long as its flavoured with a creamer my fave was the holiday ones from Coffee Mate in the peppermint. I also LOVE white peppermint mocha's from Starbucks yummy!!
That's it for this Sunday Social :)
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