Thursday, 21 March 2013

Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts

So its Thursday again so of course I am linking up with my friend Jen over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom :)

- I hate my job, not just the regular my job kinda sucks I dont enjoy it anymore kind of hate. I full on despise my job to the point where I wish I could beat some of the people I work with to death, to the point where I would gladly go in tomorrow flip them off and just quit but I cant because I need the money.

- I really want Dryer's mint chocolate chip brownie ice cream right now but no because England is such a crappy country we don't get decent comfort food!

- I Love my new wedges I got on sale at JustFab I want the summer to hurry up so I can wear them and not loose my toes to frostbite.

- All I want to do is buy makeup recently, so many new products hitting the shelves but I suppose that's just the life of a Beauty Vlogger?

- Im pretty sure I have a perfume addiction I just keep buying it.

- TK Maxx is a gate way drug to hoarding I swear.

- I hate how long packages take to send internationally its been over a week and I lost the receipt so I cant track it. 

So that's it for my Thursday Thoughts I need to find some more Link up days to do I enjoy them :)



  1. What kind of ice cream does the UK have?? I could never move there! I need my ice cream!

    Thanks for linking up!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

    1. We get an ok range of ice cream like ben & jerry's, Haagen Dazs etc but I have LOVE Dryers Ice Cream lol Honestly we are super deprived here Mountain Dew is Illegal...I mean there isn't even a toy inside to choke on! plus some of my fav restaurant we don't have like Chilli's, Applebee's, Red Robin, Denny's. Oh also no Target so I really wouldn't recommend even thinking of moving here I am trying to get out haha

  2. Ugh. I keep wanting to buy new makeup. But I'm running out of room (and I shouldn't be spending the money)!.

    I so want the new Revlon lip butters.

    1. I am the same my problem is more of I lack storage containers I cannot for the life of me find acrylic draw insert its driving me slowly insane! I heard they released a few new Lip butter but they aren't here yet I don't think. I have been looking at the New l'Oreal balm's and the new stila lipsticks but they aren't in the UK yet.

